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Archive of Financial Articles

Archive of Financial Articles

  • Negotiating Tips for Getting a Business Loan
    Prepare thoroughly before negotiating a business loan: Develop a comprehensive business plan, maintain transparency, understand personal financial standing, and build a relationship with lenders. Early preparation is key to securing favorable terms.... more
  • Why Your Small Business Needs a Business Credit Card
    A business credit card keeps finances separate, reduces personal liability, improves cash management, offers higher credit limits, controls expenses, and provides cash back rewards.... more
  • Outsource or Hire? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself
    Small businesses can leverage outsourcing to boost efficiency and focus on strategic tasks. Ask if overhead costs, time optimization, skill gaps, tech proficiency, and growth ambitions justify outsourcing.... more
  • 5 Things You Must Know Before Going into Business with Someone
    Choosing a business partner is crucial for success. Prioritize character, shared vision, complementary skills, track record, and financial stability. Formalize agreements and roles for clear communication and accountability. A thorough vetting process is essential to avoid pitfalls.... more
  • Revenue, Profits, Cash Flow-What's the Difference?
    Revenue is sales income, profits are what’s left after expenses, and cash flow is immediate liquidity. All crucial for business growth and sustainability, requiring careful management.... more
  • Do You Need a Partner or Investor? Pros and Cons of Each
    Investors offer capital with potential control, while partners bring shared responsibilities and varied expertise. Choose based on business needs and compatibility.... more
  • Employers Chase Creativity in Offering New Benefits and Perks
    In today’s job market, employers vie for talent with creative perks: flexible hours, extended vacations, family leave, health packages, student loan reimbursement, career development, and travel coverage.... more
  • Business Owners Face New Retirement Risks
    Retiring business owners grapple with rising healthcare costs, mortgages, and family financial strains. Strategic retirement planning, focusing on inflation, market shifts, and longevity risks, requires realistic time horizon assumptions for sustained income.... more
  • How a Business Credit Report Differs From a Personal Credit Report
    Most businesses start with personal credit, but evolving to business credit is crucial. Learn the distinctions and steps to build and manage robust business credit.... more
  • Business Owners’ Wealth Exposed. Time to Layer Up on Liability Coverage
    Securing Business Owners’ Wealth: Beyond Business Liability, Personal Assets Remain Exposed. Opt for Personal Umbrella Liability Coverage as Cost-Effective Protection Against Growing Litigation Risks. Comprehensive Risk Management Essential in Today’s Environment.... more
  • 3 Steps to Reduce Your Credit Card Processing Costs
    Cut Credit Card Processing Costs in 3 Steps: Understand Fee Structure, Opt for Interchange Plus Pricing, and Negotiate Cancellation Fees. Protect Your Profit Margins!... more
  • 5 Tax-Advantaged Ways to Take Income from Your Business
    5 tax-advantaged ways to increase business income: Section 179 deductions, CODG expenses, excess inventory control, and hiring kids. Boost take-home earnings with expert advice.... more
  • 5 Tips for Boosting Your Entrepreneurial Confidence
    Boost entrepreneurial confidence: Embrace failures, celebrate small wins, take action, use power poses, seek knowledge, and grow as a successful leader.... more
  • Why Business Partners Shouldn't Put Off Their Estate Planning
    When a business partner dies partners must take crucial steps to insure the continuation of their business. Learn why they should not to put off this planning.... more
  • What are You Going to do When You Retire?
    Don’t leave a gaping hole in your life when you decide to retire. Being engaged outside of work helps you to be happier in all facets of your life. Here are some ideas.... more
  • Rules to Follow When Borrowing Money for Your Business
    Banks are more willing to lend than they have been for several years. Know what you need to do to ahead of time before you need the capital. Here are some ideas.... more
  • The Advantages of a 401k over a SEP or SIMPLE for Business Owners
    The 401k plan is quickly becoming the plan of choice for its greater capacity and flexibility for business owners. Here are the advantages over other plans.... more
  • When is the Best Time to Sell Your Business?
    Focus on the things you can control when you start thinking about selling your business. View it through the buyer's eyes and fix the things that would require a buyer to walk away.... more
  • 5 Steps to Improve Business Cash Flow
    Take the following steps to begin making positive strides toward an improved cash flow situation. Make them the key to effective cash management on a continuing basis.... more
  • Putting Together a Winning Financial Advisory Team for Business Owners
    Business owners need a 360 degree perspective on their business and personal financial needs. Having a collaboration of advisors from several different disciplines to forge a coordinated plan is essential.... more
  • Building Business Credit
    Be prepared for the time when your business will need capital. Building your credit should be a key component of your strategy well before you need it. Here are some ideas.... more
  • Employers Gain More Traction and Better Serve Employees with a Roth 401k Option
    Currently, about half of employer sponsored plans include a Roth 401K provision. Here is basic information on the Roth 401K and why you may want to consider it in your plan options.... more
  • Why Businesses Must Make Customer Service Their Top Priority
    Make customer retention a priority by creating a team to provide superior customer service. When your customers are happy, they become your greatest assets to expand your customer base.... more
  • Business Owners' Misconceptions About Cash Flow
    There is a large percentage of businesses that fail due to a poor understanding of cash flow. Here is some basic information on why you should implement sound cash flow management practices.... more
  • Preventing Wire Transfer Fraud
    Will your business become a victim of wire transfer fraud? Know what to look for to prevent it and take action if it does occur... more
  • Why Working 24/7 Doesn’t Lead to Business Success
    You created your business to have a better life. Working all the time is not healthy for you or your business. Learn how to take a break.... more
  • Life Stage Planning for Business Owners
    Break your retirement planning strategy into pieces. It is easier to accomplish. At any stage having a savings safety net is essential. Here are some ideas for saving for retirement.... more
  • How Technology is Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses
    Small businesses are leaner and agile when competing against larger companies. Now technology allows you to amplify your advantages while competing on a level playing field.... more
  • Post-Business Sale Planning for Business Owners
    Selling your business makes changes to your balance sheet. It may be challenging to families attempting to keep a certain lifestyle. Here are ideas for planning for your sale and the next chapter of your life.... more
  • Finding the Right Bookkeeping Service for Your Business
    Hiring a bookkeeping service does not have to be an expensive proposition compared to hiring an employee. It is a far better investment than the cost of the business owner’s valuable time.... more
  • Risk Management is Key to Business Growth
    Risk management is understanding your business’s risk exposure. For small businesses an initial risk management plan can be as easy as following these simple steps.... more
  • Small Businesses Must Embrace the Gig Economy
    Businesses are embracing the benefits of creating a digital workplace to attract temporary and permanent employees.... more
  • Five Documents You’ll Need to Get that Business Loan
    Banks want to lend but, small businesses wanting to borrow must ensure that they have thorough documentation. Learn how to present your business to earn the confidence of the bank lending officer.... more
  • Managing Payroll, Bookkeeping, and Taxes as a Sole Owner-Employee of an S-Corp or LLC
    Managing your payroll even as a sole employee, can be difficult when you consider all the IRS requirements. Here is why you may want to consider outsourcing your payroll function to a service provider.... more
  • Business Owners Need to Have Estate Planning on their Minds
    A well-conceived estate plan coordinated with your business succession plan is an absolute must to maximize your family’s financial security and keep your business intact.... more
  • Investor or Partner - Where to Turn for Growth Capital
    When a bank loan is not an option to grow your business, investors or partners may be an option. However, both can come with headaches. Here are the pros and cons of each.... more
  • Planning on Selling Your Business? Here’s What You Need to Know
    When selling your business, it is critical to form a team of trusted advisors who can help you plan for the best possible outcome.... more
  • Mixing Business and Personal Credit Can Hurt Your Credit Score
    Your business creditworthiness depends on both your business score and your personal score. Keep your balances low on business and personal credit lines.... more
  • Why You Must Choose Your Customers and Narrow Your Focus
    Make customer loyalty your number one priority. Be exceptional at delivering one type of value to your customer.... more
  • Is Your Umbrella Liability Policy Leaving Your Assets Exposed?
    Underestimating your personal liability risks can financially expose you. Maybe a standard umbrella policy isn’t enough. Here’s what you need to know.... more
  • Managing Your Personal Finances Like a Business
    Manage your cash flow like a business. Break your budget into manageable pieces. Here are basics of cash flow allocation.... more
  • The Biggest Financial Mistakes Business Owners Make
    Take a moment to understand how one costly mistake could take away everything you have worked for and how to protect yourself and your business.... more
  • A Family Protection Plan for Business Owners
    Do you have maximum insurance protection to protect your family and business? Here are some items to consider.... more
  • Life Stage Financial Planning for Business Owners
    Plan for a secure retirement through the stages of your business. Here are some tips for setting more achievable goals and gaining confidence and motivation with more frequent accomplishments.... more
  • Give Back to Your Community and Watch Your Business Grow
    Create goodwill in your community. It doesn’t have to be all about the money! Here is why giving back to your community is good business.... more
  • Tax Help: How to Choose a CPA
    A CPA can help the business owner stay attuned to changing tax law and emerging financial opportunities. Here are some tips for selecting a CPA.... more
  • It’s Time for a Business Financial Check-up
    Give your business a periodic financial check-up. Know the critical areas of concern for your business’s financial wellness.... more
  • Business Lines of Credit as a Cash Flow Solution
    Growing your business may sometimes lead to a temporary cash crunch. Having a business line of credit can help you through those times.... more